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Writer's pictureDancesWithRainbows


Hello everyone, I'm Rebecca and I'd like to begin by sharing with my readers why I decided to begin this blog. I'm pleased to say there are several Autistic voices shining through on Social media and would like to add mine to the mix. I would like to think I am in unique position to offer a different perspective as a Woman, a member of the LGBT community, and also as a professional working in the ABA therapy field.

It was fate, I believe, that I discovered ABA therapy when I discovered a Job posting for the company I work for now. I had been a bot lost for direction and passion for what I both wanted to do and could feasibly achieve and accomplish. I had decided that day that if I got the job it was the sign I needed to take that next step to what would ultimately become my life's purpose.

ABA Therapy became a place I could learn while teaching others, where I could help the next generation of people with Autism attain the tools and skills they needed to navigate their world easily and comfortably in ways I either never attained or would not attain for many many years later in my life.

This blog will pertain to sharing my experiences as a woman with autism, my experiences preforming ABA therapy, experiences that helped me do my work, secrets of the trade, and my understanding of how this treatment helps build and improve lives.

Before I continue, I would like to state I DO NOT hold a doctorate degree or any like titles. I have merely worked as a woman with Autism preforming ABA therapy as a Behavioral Treatment Technician for nearly 6 years. My expertise is through experience, literature and articles, and observations. I CAN not provide a diagnosis or medical answers, merely insight.


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